Have you kicked your daily sugary soft drink habits and filled your fridge with diet colas and lemonades? You may be surprised to hear that this switch will likely provide little to no benefits to your health. Diet soft drinks, whilst they rate zero on the calorie scale, are not your healthy friends. After all, there has to be something in that glass that makes it taste sweet, right? Continue reading Why Diet Soda Is Keeping You Fat

We’ve all been victim to the dreaded stitch! And as with muscle soreness, exhaustion and injury, they are more common amongst those just starting out exercising, running in particular. As you build your cardio fitness and gain more control over your breathing, you will experience less frequent stitches. Continue reading The Dreaded Stitch

Exercise and regular physical activity have benefits that extend passed that of the body. The nourishing and healing effects that exercise has on the mind contribute greatly to overall well being. These benefits can help you manage your life commitments better, manage your emotions and even assist in recovery from addiction and insomnia. Continue reading Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

If you’ve read any of our WHC health and fitness guides, you’ll know that we are all firm ambassadors of breakfast! You MUST eat breakfast! Many people think they are side stepping hefty dose of calories and making progress towards their weight loss goals by avoiding breakfast. In actual fact they are ruining much of their hard work in doing so. Breakfast is essential for awakening your metabolism for the day (the way your body burns calories) and setting your blood sugars at a healthy level. Hunger crashes and a slumped metabolism are inevitable if you skip your morning meal. Continue reading The Worst Ways To Start Your Day