If you are a parent, your kids will be learning a lot of habits from you that they will continue with for the rest of their lives. It is super important to foster healthy, active lifestyles and spend quality time with your family. But how do we do both at the same time? Here are a few ideas for physical activities that will get your whole family moving and having a laugh together. Continue reading Getting Active With The Family

Depending on where and when you work, it’s safe to say it will probably look a little odd if you’re smashing out aerobics at your desk every few hours. That being said, we are advocates for scheduling regular physical activity throughout the day, particularly if you work in a desk environment. Not only does it assist in keeping your metabolism ticking at a nice pace and exercises your heart muscle gently, but it also helps to improve productivity levels. Continue reading Workplace Friendly Mini-Workouts

We’ve all been victim to the dreaded stitch! And as with muscle soreness, exhaustion and injury, they are more common amongst those just starting out exercising, running in particular. As you build your cardio fitness and gain more control over your breathing, you will experience less frequent stitches. Continue reading The Dreaded Stitch

If you’ve read any of our WHC health and fitness guides, you’ll know that we are all firm ambassadors of breakfast! You MUST eat breakfast! Many people think they are side stepping hefty dose of calories and making progress towards their weight loss goals by avoiding breakfast. In actual fact they are ruining much of their hard work in doing so. Breakfast is essential for awakening your metabolism for the day (the way your body burns calories) and setting your blood sugars at a healthy level. Hunger crashes and a slumped metabolism are inevitable if you skip your morning meal. Continue reading The Worst Ways To Start Your Day