If you’ve read any of our WHC health and fitness guides, you’ll know that we are all firm ambassadors of breakfast! You MUST eat breakfast! Many people think they are side stepping hefty dose of calories and making progress towards their weight loss goals by avoiding breakfast. In actual fact they are ruining much of their hard work in doing so. Breakfast is essential for awakening your metabolism for the day (the way your body burns calories) and setting your blood sugars at a healthy level. Hunger crashes and a slumped metabolism are inevitable if you skip your morning meal. Continue reading The Worst Ways To Start Your Day

Smoking has extensive detrimental, terrible effects on the body’s systems. If you continue to smoke through your life, you will continue to put dangerous, immeasurable stress on your body and stunt your health. Many people take up and continue to smoke as a means of controlling their weight. This theory carries no evidence with it, and is being constantly challenged by new findings relating smoking to higher intake of calories and retention of fat than nonsmokers. Continue reading Smoking: Cancer Is Just One Of Many Results…

Obesity is the number one health issue facing the developed world. That’s bigger than drugs, bigger than cancer. Obesity is defined as excessive fat accumulation that may impair one’s health. Although many may talk about the role of genetics in effecting our very weighty status, this does not explain why the percentage of overweight people making up the populations of so many first world countries continues to tragically rise and rise generation after generation. Continue reading The Obesity Epidemic